Letter from President



Coming back from TUFH 2023 conference in Sharjah with full optimism and enthusiasm to start the new term of Student Network Organization.
This year we’re planning for major changes in the organizational structure, besides the strategies to approach our members.
This year we are focusing on leadership; recruitment of future leaders from students and young health professionals to ensure their efficiency in healthcare delivery and their active engagement in policy making.
In addition, we are offering SNO members many research opportunities, the best guidance and support in mentorship programs, and different exchange programs.
These changes will help SNO to prosper in the field of Public and Global Health, so as we can contribute to achieve Universal Health Coverage.

The previous year was eventful, many local chapters have hosted great events; webinars and sessions, local chapters made huge efforts to maintain ongoing activities that were themed by international health events.
Our members were offered some privileges with the Education for Health Journal and they have been part of many successful research projects,
TUFH regional conferences provided an excellent platform for our members to present their abstracts as well.
SNO exchange program at University of Sharjah was one of our huge achievements as it helped us build a ground for more upcoming opportunities in the EMRO region.
On both local and international levels we made new partnerships and collaborations with health affiliated organizations and institutions.
We established new local chapters in Africa and were looking forward to launching more through the TUFH 2024 conference that will be in Cape Town, South Africa.

Unfortunately, we lost our previous President Dr. Mustapha Aminu Tukur and it was one of the heaviest moments to us in the international board and to our members as well.
Mustpha’s contributions to the organization were all driven by passion and commitment, I personally learnt from him kindness and lightheartedness, he taught me some important lessons that I shall never forget, He was a competent health leader, aspiring young doctor and a very dear friend to most of us, he left a legacy that must go on.

My journey started with Student Network Organization as a member in 2018, then I moved into leadership in 2021 when I worked as a Mentorship program coordinator, and later in 2022 as a Vice President.

To me, Student Network Organization is not only a non-governmental organization that I’m affiliated with, it’s the platform that helped me gain knowledge and experience in public and global health, it’s the place where I found my passion in Interprofessional Education and Health Professions Education, and the community where I met many of my closest friends and my mentors.
Student Network Organization helped me to sharpen my leadership skills, taught me resilience, and made me grow into the person I am today.

We are committed to the principle of Equity in healthcare delivery and access, and will continue to work towards Universal Health care construction through intercultural and interprofessional collaboration.
We are committed to reaching the equity in leadership within our network, for the year to come, we will be focusing on growing our Regional teams even more. drawing attention to our members from underrepresented regions to ensure global excellence.
To me, Student Network Organization is not only a non-governmental organization that I’m affiliated with, it’s the platform that helped me gain knowledge and experience in public and global health, it’s the place where I found my passion in Interprofessional Education and Health Professions Education, and the community where I met many of my closest friends and my mentors. I cant emphasise enough how much I am grateful for the Students Network Organization, and how much excited I am to see the change I dream of.
As the president for 2023-2024 term, I highly encourage each one of you to join us in the unlimited research, education, mentorship and exchange opportunities that Student Network Organization offers, it’s your chance to learn, to evolve, to enjoy, to make new friends, to connect and to see the world both virtually and in-person.
Thank You

Ala Magzoub,
SNO President 2023/24.